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KBI Consult is the Leading supplier of Total Telecom Cost Management Solutions for both Mobile and Landline services.

KBI Consult provides comprehensive management of Telecom resources including Advanced Procurement Management, Invoice Management,  Policy Management and Telecom Contract Management.

Consult helps companies to maximize their Return on Investment for Telecom resources.

Go beyond the savings results of telecom expense management (TEM) and experience the operational benefits communications lifecycle management can have in transforming every facet of your organization's fixed and mobile communications.

Align mobile resources with business needs through expert management of mobile telecom sourcing requirements, asset and inventory control, rate optimization and expense management.
Do you know that:

Google, the Internet search company founded in September 1998. by Larry Page & Sergey Brin, got it's name from the word Googol, which represents number 1 followed with hundred zeros after it.
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